Family History on CD
Copyright © 1998, Richard McQuisten, All rights reserved.
History in the New Millennium
Follow your family's story and you will discover America's History. The National Endowment for the Humanities, William R. Ferris, recently said, "At the dawn of a new millennium, when our attention is focused on what lies ahead, it is also important for each of us to look back and take stock of America's many-faceted journey to where we are as a nation today." This family history on CD contains the largest extensive collection of names, images and records (more than 8000) who shared in the making of our American Heritage.
Privileges and Responsibilities as a owner of Family History on CD
The world of electronic storage and display is upon us and with little doubt is here to stay. If you own a Personal Computer, you can now view, print out hard copies, and add to this massively large and extended Martel/Martell/Martelle family history, without any of the large expenditure of time that was required to compile the information. It is a wonderful way for you and your families to reduce to amount of time needed to discover your ancestors... I/we have done the difficult part of organizational foundation and most of the historical research for you. With the help of these electronic databases, you can focus your research to further gathering, editing and adding directly to these databases.
However, with all the benefits you gain from these family history databases, there also come some responsibilities. Today's technology is opening up many tempting ways to copy, transfer, and share electronic information, ergo the INTERNET. Therefore, we respectfully request that you, the user, abide by copyright laws. For your own research, you may use any and all data from the CDs. If you have an opportunity to collaborate with others on family research, that can very well reap great rewards and you are definitely encourage to do so! Copyright law permits sharing of small quantities of data with family members and friends, and if applicable, with clients of your professional genealogical societies and services. Here are examples of information that you may share:
Please note these examples are all very specific pieces of information. The important thing to remember is that it's okay to use your Family History on CD to help someone else fill in missing information in their family lineage. But if they want to rely on your CD for anything more than a name or date here or there, they should buy their own copies to use.
With this bit of legal out of the way, lets discuss how you can obtain and use the Family History on CD.
What you will find!
When you purchase our Family History on CD, you will find the very
same information that is contained in our multiple volume family history book, 500-600 pages,
which is being researched and compiled for
publication in the summer of 2000. An example of the type and kind of
information you will find in the massive database is evidenced by clicking on
the hand
. There are two databases on the CD.
What you will need!